Sponsor categories
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The total budget of the 1st Medieval Festival of Rhodes is 250.000€, an amount which will be contributed by the Municipality of Rhodes, the Prefecture of the Dodecanese and Sponsors. Please notice that we can create together a Sponsorship Programme that will satisfy, in the best way, the requests and advertising needs of your company>
For the 1st Medieval Festival 2007, there are four categories of Sponsorship:
- Golden Sponsor with the amount of 20.000 euro
- 3 Silver Sponsors with the amount of 10.000 euro
- 5 Copper Sponsors with the amount of 5.000 euro
- 10 Sponsors with the amount of 2500 euro
Golden Sponsor
- On the website of the 'Medieval Rose' association (www.rhodesmedievalfestival.org and www.medievalrose.org) there will be advertisement and link of the sponsor for one year
- The logo of your company will be printed on more than 300 posters & banners that will be billposted around the island
- Your logo will also be printed on the cover of the 15.000 diptych flyers distributed around Rhodos and the Dodecanese (agencies, hotels, services, association's kiosks, cinemas etc) before the festival
- At the festival's ads on the Newspapers, there will also be the logo of the sponsor.